Who Makes a Good Beachbody Coach?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

I can still remember the feeling I had when I pushed the "submit" button to sign up as a coach. 

I was scared. I felt nauseous. I had never done anything like this before in my life. 

I am a working professional. I have two kids. My husband describes HIMSELF as high maintenance and time - HA! - it just isn't there... but I had spent hours reading about coaching, watching YouTube videos, trolling instagram accounts (sound like you?) and something just.kept.pulling me back.

I don't know why - but it felt right. 

That was about a year ago. I still don't know why I said yes. I am just so glad I did. My life is so much FULLER now. It is hard working, mothering, "wife-ing" - we need to take time for ourselves. We have to find a passion - a direction... SOMETHING to call your own. 

Here is what I know. I know what makes a good Beachbody Coach. It isn't your typical answer. It isn't scripted out. It isn't some standard - anyone and everyone... but it is me - telling you if I think you would be right. Not everyone is. That is a fact. 

I love this company. I love what it has done for my family - financially, mentally and physically. A car paid off. Vacations taken. Gifts bought. A kitchen remodel in the works. Down from a size 14 to a 4/6. 

I am SO proud of the team of woman who have chosen to join me as coaches, who have decided that they ready to reach for a life by design. Everyone becomes a coach for different reasons... I think that is what I love best! What motivates me is different than what motivates you. How incredible is that? I have seen mothers come home from their jobs and fire their bosses. I have seen women pay off student loan debt and splurge on outrageously beautiful purses. Anything is a possibility :) 

Have questions? Message me - I am an open book and love to chat! 

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21 Day Fix + Body Beast Combo Workout:: Fixin' the Beast

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I get a lot of questions asking if I am still doing 21 Day Fix workouts - months later...

The short answer? YES!

I do believe people find a "soul workout" and for me - that is the Fix, preferably the Extreme!

I love the duration, the way Autumn explains moves, and the quick results I get when I dial 100% into each move.

Lately I have decided that I want to bump up my toning and see where I can push my body. Trust me, it isn't like I have reached a physical peak at all. I have found over the past year that my body responds to weights, weights and more weights. Tap in a little cardio + a solid plan in the kitchen and I know that I will hit goals MUCH faster than the years I spent on the elliptical or running.

Body Beast is the "weight training" program from Beachbody that I have tried out in the past few weeks. I wanted to see if Body Beast would keep my interest (a tough one to do) and get results.

I like Beast a lot - I really do love weight training but after a couple weeks I realized that I do need some piece of cardio in there for my body to respond. It is all about balance, right? Plus, a few of his are WAYY long for me - almost an hour. I have a hard time keeping attention for that long & finding the time in my day for it.

I created this combo-workout that I will be starting on Monday. I wanted to share it with you all if anyone is looking to do the same - it brings in needed cardio components from 21 Day Fix + the most targets workouts in Body Beast.

It will be super easy to use and toggle back from the workouts because I stream everything from Beachbody on Demand - best investment ever! I travel for work, I move my workouts around depending on what the kids are doing... pretty much my fitness moves wherever I need it to!

Let me know what questions you have - happy to answer!

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs in 3 minutes.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Do you consume eggs all week long?

My family eats almost 5 dozen every week - we are an egg loving bunch!

Scrambled, over medium, hard boiled - you name it, we like it.

Prepping eggs isn't time consuming but it is one more thing to worry about when your mornings are already busy so I take care of this during my Sunday afternoon meal prep!

How to Prep 12 Eggs in 3 Minutes.

1. Pre-heat Oven to 325 Degrees.

2. Put 12 eggs in a cupcake pan.

3. Put pan in oven after it is preheated.

4. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

5. Put eggs in a bowl of ice water for 10 minutes with a sprinkle of salt.

6. Take eggs out and place in a Tupperware container for the week. Be shocked at easy it is to peel them every.single.morning.

No? Okay. Still just me :)

Also - this totally counts as 3 minutes of cooking. If all I have to do is put eggs in a cupcake pan, I am winning at food prep!!

Random Stuff My Husband Does... A Series Worth Scrolling Through...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

This week in... "Random Stuff My Husband Does" I give you: What to do with your leftover peppers from dinner...

#allmotivatingandstuff #sorryladies #hestaken :) :)

3 Day Refresh Results

Sunday, June 28, 2015

With my current job I have had been traveling a lot. Each trip consists of about 2 weeks away from home and with zero access to make my own food. I focus a lot on making the right choices when I eat out but eating out 14 days straight puts a strain on your body, regardless of what you pick. Plus, if it is the ONLY time I will ever be in a location - you can bet I am going to try the local cuisine! I do love food :) 

After getting home from my last trip I knew I needed to do something to reset myself. If nothing else, it was for the mentality I had towards nutrition at this point. Usually I could jump right back into prepped, nutritious meals but I still was struggling 3 days later. Enter the 3 Day Refresh. 

This program is meant to healthfully reset your body and rid the toxins that we all build up from eating process foods and an uneven diet. I LOVE food but figured that anyone can do something for 3 days, right? And if nothing else, it will stop my cravings for pizza every night?!? :) 

With the Refresh You Get:

  • Shakeology
  • a fiber drink
  • a protein packed vanilla refresh

I have looked at cleanses before (back when I wanted ANY type of fix that I considered to be fast and easy!) This is one of the only ones that I have seen that makes sense- you get to eat on it and honestly, you won't spend the entire time in the bathroom! #keepinitreal

Each Day You Eat:

  • Wide array of fresh fruits
  • Vegetables 
  • Healthy fats
  • and drink a ton of water!

My Grocery Trip! This also is part of my meal prep for the rest of the week :)
As a creature of habit, I kept it pretty simple throughout my days. I stuck to the same meals so that prep time was minimal and packing up my food for work took little to no effort. However, if you are person that needs variety when eating - there are tons of different options to keep your palate interesting!
Day 1 Lunch: Veggie, Healthy Fat, Fruit + Vanilla Refresh Shake! 

My Results:

Lost: 3.5 pounds of unwanted travel weight :) 
Gained: The reminder that balanced nutrition increases my alertness, helps me sleep deeper, puts me in a better mood, and so much more. I can tell my face thinned out and food belly bloat really dropped down. Overall - I call it a success!

Before                             After

Before                             After

Tips to Get Started:

Build your grocery list and write out your meals before you go to the store. Having that all written will make it much easier when you are prepping everything. Use the book that comes with your kit - it is a lifesaver!

Have water ready to go! If nothing else, I probably did not drink enough water during my 3 days. You should be drinking it consistently and there were times that I got caught up in work or the kids and realized an hour or so had gone by with zero hydration - #hydrationfail

Schedule your meal times. You are going to be eating specific foods at targeted times. If you have a busy life (work with meetings, minimal breaks, kids schedule to work around) this can get tough. I recommend putting a timer on your phone to remind you when to eat. Don't rely on your hunger for this one. Day 1 - I was running around with the family and completely missed a snack. I paid for this with a headache that night. There is an abundance of food. I never felt hungry when I followed the plan right. 

If you drink coffee - taper down a day or two before. Realize you will get a headache from that and be prepared. Hot tea is your BEST friend during this. I did drink a lot of this during my "tea breaks" because I love the act of holding and sipping something warm #yupisaidit

Celebrate yourself! This may sound silly, but if you are like me (and love food!) on your meal plan/calendar - mark off every meal that you successfully eat. That check list is something that you are accomplishing. Be proud of yourself! As you see the check marks increase it makes it easier to get through!

Interested in trying the refresh yourself? You can get it by clicking the below link or sending me a personal message at thelockrins at gmail dot com. I would recommend this program for anyone who wants to jumpstart their nutrition, who is looking to go "all in" on their health and fitness and needs a boost to get going, or someone who knows that bloat is building up and wants a healthy way to get rid of all those toxins.  I am happy to answer any questions you may have! 

Yes! I want to REFRESH myself!

Wondering if a program is right for you and not sure? Fill out the form below and I will get back to you shortly! 

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Top 5 Mistakes When Starting a Diet... And How to Avoid Them!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

5 Common Mistakes People Make When Starting a Diet

1.  Calling it a Diet!!  This is it setting yourself up for failure! A diet is something that we do short term and is based on quick and fast results. While that is GREAT in the moment it is fleeting and puts you right back where you starting, if not worse. When you are ready to make a change in your life health - it should be able your lifestyle.

2.  Jumping in headfirst, without making a plan. I LOVE when I meet someone who wants to take charge in their life and is ready to start immediately. However, one of the best things that you can do with that passion and drive is to funnel it towards your plan. Here are 3 simple questions you can ask yourself to set up for the most success as you being your fitness journey.
  1. Why do I want to make a change?
  2. What am I going to do differently (today, next week, this month) than I have been doing?
  3. What do I need to be successful?
If you can answer those three things easily - you are on the right track!

3. Me? Starting something new? I have no idea what you are talking about! Is that you? Do you keep it a secret when you start a new plan? This was me all day long - it wasn't until I opened up and started sharing with people my journey, even if it is a simple “Hey, guess what? I tried a new salad today and it was pretty good! I thought you might like it!” Those moments bring other people into your story and that creates accountability. Share with others so that they can celebrate with you! 

4. Not Cutting Yourself ANY Slack: Its week 3 and you have been 100% on point with your plan. You are rocking it out like crazy and feeling fabulous because of it. Over the weekend you are celebrating your best friends birthday party and without thinking (because you are having SO much fun!!) you eat a piece of cake..

womp. womp.

A failure? NO! We need to go easier on ourselves. Celebrations will happen and these moments are meant to be lived. It goes back to the term “diet” - life isn’t black and white - let’s cut ourselves some slack and brush it off! 

5. Setting a Goal! This one is SO important! A lot of times we think of just the big picture: “I want to lose 15 pounds” but there is so much more. When do you want to lost the weight by? What will you do when you do lose the weight (because you will this time!). You can have more than one: breaking them down to steps so that you reward yourself throughout is a great motivation tool! Once you have them clearly defined, put them up somewhere you can see them: the fridge, bathroom mirror, your closet door. Remind yourself where you want to be every single day and you are starting yourself off right!

These five “common mistakes” happen a lot but with a little planning and focus you can switch from a diet mentality to a healthy lifestyle change that will grow with you.

Want more help on how to get where you want to be? Fill out the form below and I will contact you within 48 hours to put together a personalized plan for your journey! 

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Monday Musings

Monday, June 1, 2015

This past week has been jam packed (just the way I like it)! Sometimes I wish I could be the type of person who can just sit and relax but as time goes on I realize that after a short regroup - quiet time will only give me anxiety! 

See that girl right there? She is 19 months old... going on 21. Baby swing? No thank you - she will DO IT HERSELF. Climb a mountain, up the stairs, pick up every piece of food with her OWN fork: you name, she rules it all. Kelly Clarkson had nothing on this Miss Independent. She terrifies me as a mother but I get so excited think about her growing up and what she will accomplish. 

I hit a rough patch in adolescence and early adulthood for self esteem. My dream is to create a life that shows McKinley how beautiful STRONG is so that she does not experience the same. 

19 Months 

We took the kids to a local amusement park and it.was.EPIC. I have not been there in over 15 years and was pleasantly surprised. Jim is a total roller coaster junkie but after Wyatt's pregnancy any type of ride immediately makes me queasy. Luckily he has found a new buddy because Wyatt wants to ride everything - plus since he is an extremely tall 4 year old, they let him on all of them. Added bonus: everyone in line freaks out when we tell them he is only 4 years old going on the rides. #parentsoftheyear

About to get on a ride

Did someone say date night? What? Those still happen? Thankfully, we live close to family and our kids went to stay with grandparents for a night this weekend. I even pulled out the ole' curling wand (only 2 burns this time!!) and we hit the town! By that I mean: went to dinner, caught a movie, took a walk, and ended up at Barnes and Noble before walking home. Wild ones, right?

It felt so great to spend some alone time with this man I am lucky enough to call my husband. I leave for another work trip this week so this time was even more special. There are times that he may infuriate me (he is the most stubborn & logical person alive) but no one can make me laugh like he does. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day mess of the kids, house, and everything that NEEDS to be done: a couple hours of just being Jimmy and Amy is exactly what I needed. 

Date Night
Hope you had a great week too - anything fun happen in your neck of the woods??

21 Day Fix Extreme - Starting it off Right!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Ever decide that you just need to go all in? 

I have loved pushing my body over the past 8 months. I have said it a few times before but I really would have LAUGHED at you if you told me a year ago that this is where I would be. 

I was overweight, unhappy, and annoyed with myself. I didn't look it on the outside but so many years of weight gain and weight loss and the never ending cycle were just taking their toll on me. 

Fast forward to now and I am ready to challenge myself again. I want to see what I can handle. I want to do more things and prove to myself that there is no limit I cannot reach.

So... I am going to do the 21 Day Fix Extreme. I have been putting it off because:
1. I like the regular 21DF. It works just fine!
2. I get to drink on that one :) 
3. I am scared. 

That changes today. 

1. There are two big vacations coming up that I want to see where I can push my body to beforehand. I have NEVER been on a vacation and felt confident in a swimsuit. Ever. I would love to have this be the year I change all that. 
2. I have watched my kids learn from my actions. They get excited to see me workout and look forward to it. I want to stay excited for my workouts because it keeps them excited. 
3. I would (secretly) love to do one of the crazy-mud-extreme runs that my husband does.. but want to be in tip top shape first!

So here we go. I have come a long way. Here is my game plan for the next 21 Days:

I will keep it simple. Lots of chicken breast, ground turkey, broccoli, green beans, salads, and eggs. Fruits would be apple or banana. I typically drink my Shakeology (chocolate!) in the AM but may switch that to dinner if cravings are bad. 

My goal is to move back to morning workouts because I just felt better when I got up and started the morning pushing myself. I do love getting the kids involved so it might end up being a combination. Each workout is only 30 minutes long so it will be easy to adjust based on the day.

I am doing the program with a group of amazing women in my challenge group and we are cheering each other on. I need the support and know that the community is what will make or break me in my times of weakness. If you are thinking of trying the 21 Day Fix or the Extreme and want to join a group (or even if you just have a question) drop me a line in the form below... I would love to have you join one of my groups or just chat! :) 

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How to Pack for Your Workouts when Traveling... and Actually Do Them!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

It can happen. That is the first step. Packing for a business or family trip is stressful enough. Throw in the extra thought of "work out clothes" and it would be easy to give yourself a break from your schedule. 

WRONG - you have worked so hard - and you do not need much! 

1. Assess your trip- Where are you staying? Will you be able to run outside, use the hotel gym, or need to bring your own DVDs? How much time will you have to work out?

2. Check the weather - the goal is to bring as little as possible for working out so that you have more room for all your necessities.

3. Pack all of your favorite outfits! When you are away from your typical routine it turns to a mental game to get your rear in gear and decide to start moving. Having loved outfit that makes you feel great about yourself is that extra kick in the pants to get you going!! 

Two full outfits, sneakers plus my pre-workout take up barely any space!

5. Start stacking! I travel for work a lot. My tried and true method for packing (and not forgetting anything) is to stack everything on the bed before you put anything in a suitcase. Take a deep breath before you begin to put it in your luggage (or maybe pour a glass of wine!). 

I am not pictured, mainly because I am busy pretending like my bag is already packed and someone else will finish this...

What works for me:

  • I always bring my laptop so I can workout in the hotel room. This means that if nothing else, I can pop in a quick 30 minute workout and get sweaty before starting the day!
  • When I am headed out for just an overnight trip - no need for sneakers! At home, I do not use them (I am always paranoid the jumping will wake up my kids) so it is no big deal to work out barefoot in the hotel room. 
  • A sports bra and gym shorts will get you by if nothing else! Oh the benefits!!! 
What do you pack when you head out of town? I do bring more when I know I have enough time to get outdoors and enjoy a new city - I would love to hear what you suggest also! 

3 Ingredient Gluten Free "Stir Fry"

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

When I walk into the kitchen I feel a sense of dread. Please tell me I am not the only one? I believe there is some sort of biological piece of me missing that is supposed to love putting together entire dinners and 4 course meals of my family but... it is just not there. 

I do love baking delicious desserts - hello: the reason I am here now! HA!

However, I am lucky enough to have a husband that does 80% of the cooking and he is damn good at it. Unfortunately the other 20% of the time I have yet to reach the status in life that would warrant me cavorting around with a personal chef so I must fend for myself.

  • In and out. 
  • 10 ingredients or less
  • Prep time of 30 minutes - nothing more!
  • Can I pronounce everything in the recipe? No - you are out!

These are the rules I follow when I am looking for something new to cook. Sometimes though, I will just go rogue and open up the fridge and to see what my options are. Enter in: 3 Ingredient Gluten Free Stir Fry. 

Now, liberties are taken on this.. but the ease portion totally wins!


Bag of Gluten Free Meatballs (or you can make your own - you badass you)
Bag of Steamable Vegetables (no shame in your game)
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese (because, obviously!)

Mix them all together and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.

Yum! So simple and ready to eat in under 5 minutes. Enjoy :) 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Musings: 

This past week has been insane. I had a packed week at work (conference style!) and Jim brewed every single day. Basically - each day was a 12-14 hour work day for these kids but we still managed to find some fun in the mix :) 

I am starting to see McKinley's personality come through a little more and y'all - she is a force to be reckoned with! I know everyone says that each child will be different and that could not be more true for our two. McKinley's stubborn streak baffles Jim and I daily - although I have to respect the girl's eating style: Back off biotch, if you want to keep your handz... 

Anyone else getting that message? Just me? Oh, okay... just checking.

Before the week started I got to head out for a little "Amy-time" and get some new black pants. I know, nothing exciting right? Normally I would be annoyed to have to shop for clothes instead of something fun but this time it is because all my pants are just too big. 

That's right - even my pre-pregnancy pants have gotten too big at this point! I am still in shock really but it feels so good to see the results from hard work and consistency. Don't get me wrong.. I take days off and have my cheat meals but I chose real foods and to dedicate 30 minutes a day to working out and it is paying off. (insert self high five!)

Finally - on Saturday we had a pretty packed family day. Jimmy was adamant about us getting out of the house early and enjoying the beautiful weather so we packed up and headed to the local farmers market at the beach. 

Then this happened y'all. I am not going to lie - it was hilarious and I am so glad we did it. Wyatt LOVED it (he is named after Wyatt Earp after all!) and I burst out laughing every time I look at it. 

Easy Healthy BBQ Appetizer - Cilantro Salsa

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ever have a hard time going to parties and events? I know that choosing to eat healthy when it seems like everyone around you is eating whatever they want is tough... and part of life when you make the commitment to put your own health first.

Bringing an appetizer that you can enjoy and is delicious is an easy way to knock out those feelings and be a great guest. We like this salsa for summer BBQ's and usually make a double batch! It is perfect to top on chicken, fish tacos and SO much more for the rest of your week. Remember - I am all about making meal prep as easy as possible: 

Easy Cilantro Salsa! (adapted from allrecpes.com)

1 can yellow corn, drained
1 can sweet corn, drained 
2 cans black beans, rinsed and drained
1 bunch chopped cilantro (to taste  - I love it, throw a ton in!!)
5 green onions, chopped
1 medium white onion
2 red peppers, chopped
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1/4 cup lime juice
(optional) - 1 chopped avocado - do not add this if you plan on using any for leftovers

Stir everything together and serve with corn tortillas or sliced raw veggies :) 

Top 5 Meal Prep Tips for Beginners

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Meal Prep Fun

If you owned a time machine and could go and visit Amy of 10 years ago you would balk at the amount of fast food and carbs that I regularly shoved into my mouth. I blame it on the fact that we never went out to eat when I was young and fast food was a novelty. Every chance I got - I ran to McDonalds or Burger King because "ooo, its a treat!!"

Yea... about that. I may have been a little off the mark on that one. Now that I have been introduced "not treating my stomach like a garbage dump" I follow the 80/20 rule for intake.

This means 80% of the time I am eating clean, whole foods, following the 21 Day Fix portion guide. The other 20% of the time I am open to where life may take me. :) Sometimes this means that I stay on the path or it might mean that I indulge with a little ice cream or a plate of nachos as a treat... but I have worked hard to get to that point.

To make sure that I keep my ratios where they need to be I 100% of the time have to meal prep each week. Nowadays food is available everywhere you go and chances are it it just will not meet the nutritional value that you need. Prepping your meals ahead of the time so you are not in a bind and heading to the Golden Arches is the key to any foolproof plan!

Here are my top tips for Meal Prepping Gone Right:

1. Sunday Funday
Always prep on a Sunday. I say this because my workweek is Monday-Friday and this means I have fresh food ready to go. Meal prep should only take you 1.5 - 2 hours, if you plan ahead! Do you grocery shopping the day before or earlier in the week. If you try to do everything in one day you will get burnt out!

2. Be Picky
Choose 2-3 meats that you will eat throughout the week and stick to them. Find recipes that use these meats and do not deviate. The goal is that you can prepare the meat in bulk cut down on your cooking time. Think roasted chicken on Sunday and chicken fajitas on Wednesday. One batch of chicken knocks both of these out!

3. Cut it Out
Dice, dice and dice! Cut allllll your veggies and store them in easy grab and go containers when you get them. You are much more likely to pull pre-cut veggies for a snack than a giant cucumber that you have to clean and chop up when the hanger pains creep up on you.

4. Looks Aren't Everything
Tupperware and containers are prime real estate when you are meal prepping so make sure you have a ton on hand. I recommend getting ones that can easily stack into themselves when not in use so that you free up some cabinet space. I am fan of the Rubbermaid ones that you can find just about everywhere and recently have started using Pyrex as well. Anything works really!

5. Who has Time for This? 
Umm.. You? I sure hope so? Trust me... the first time is going to feel awkward. Your palms will sweat. Things will be weird and messy and you will want it to just be over soon. BUT it gets better! Each week - you will figure out the timing a little more... throwing the chicken in the crockpot as soon as you wake up + hard boiling eggs in the oven while chopping veggies = saving an hour!!

Hope these tips help! I like to keep things pretty basic in "prep land" and then season during meal time when I know what I am in the mood for :)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Hey Everyone - I wanted to share an awesome circuit workout that I have used to pump up my Sunday routine. I usually stick to yoga/rest on Sundays but occasionally you just want to get up and sweat, ya know?

This is quick and effective - and you can do it anywhere! Let me know what you think :)

Monday Musings

Sunday, March 22, 2015

What's that? Possibly a weekly theme?

Who knows... we will see if it sticks or not. 

Truthfully, I used to keep a family blog to share with close friends and family that are out of town. I love being able to look back at Wyatt (my four year old's) first year and see all of his little moments that are easily forgotten. I am thinking this is a great spot to reflect at the past week and remember the good, the bad and the "oh snap - geriatric Amy may forget but that shit was funny!" moments in life. 

Let there be Light! 

After a crazy two-week bender out of town for a work conference I came home ready to get my family time on! Luckily, the kids did not forget who I was and McKinley was on board with letting me hold her for a long time - aka, would start screaming if I tried to put her down - for the first hour back. 

Family Fun Day consisted of: a trip to the farmers market, marathon expo, our first trip to the beach, playing at the park and a picnic dinner. So yes, perfect on all accounts. Sure - there were tears and grumpy toddler moments, and we were in sweatshirts instead of flip-flops but days like that are just what I needed to recharge!

That "oh snap" - Know Who You Are - Moment..

As you all know, I am full on -girl crush mode - in love with the 21 Day Fix. I have completed almost 5 rounds of the workouts now and STILL am not bored. Autumn is my girl and I have not found another workout that gets the total body moving, losing weight and toning up so fast! However - with Beachbody On Demand - I have the option to try out a TON of different programs as part of my package. I never turn down "free" y'all.

Sooo... I have NO rhythm. At all. Try as I might... I am going through Brazilian Butt Lift, Turbofire and more and man - is it fun! I think it is even more fun for my husband and the kids to watch me attempt to these moves. As a woman who cannot even clap and sing at the same time... #partyfail I will not give up though!! 

Let There Be...Food Prep

Two weeks of eating out every.single.meal means that the minute I got home I was anxious for a home cooked meal! Jimmy did not disappoint. The man can cook and I was welcomed home with steaks, marinated chicken, roasted veggies, and more! Even more - food was prepped! I packed my 21 Day Fix containers as soon as I walked in the door and nom.nom.nom my stomach was full! 

Be still my heart, this man knows me so well :) 

Easy One Dish Family Dinner - Fish & Veggies

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Every week we roll into the evenings with the best intentions - THIS is going to be the week of zero slip ups, hitting every work out and eating off our nutrition plan without a hiccup. 

I can count the amount of weeks that my husband and I have been able to do that on one hand. Couple reasons for this: 

1.  Jimmy loves pizza. He must eat it every week or he will spontaneously combust (and he is very good at convincing me to eat it with him) Enter - the reason I perfected a cauliflower pizza crust that we love!

2. We are freakin' busy y'all! Just like each of you, the day just sneaks up on me and by 6pm I am tapped out. Work, kids, commute... it all adds up and if there is ever a time that I will go off track it is dinner. 

All I need is an evening with an unprepared-not prepped meal plan and the sky is the limit. Order Chinese food? Sure, general Tso's... get in mah belly! Want Italian? What is... I'll take a ginormous Stromboli to split, Alex? 

Even worse - this is when I go rogue and eat the foods that attach my body (gluten, soy, heavy amounts of dairy). It hurts and I pay for it but exhaustion and hunger can lead you to stupid and silly decisions. A missing thyroid is no joke people... granted, I joke about it regularly :) 

A couple weeks ago I came across a recipe that I knew I could make work for my husband and picky toddlers, and our busy schedule. I got rave reviews from the clan. This means Jim loved it, Wyatt ate it after a 30 minute argument, and McKinley shoved it in her mouth as fast as she could. 

Allow me to share:

One Dish Fish and Veggies: 

  • Fish Fillets (I used tilapia because my son loves them)
  • Asparagus or a green veggie of your choice 
  • Olive oil
  • dash of butter
  • Pampered chef lemon seasoning (or whatever tickles your fancy) 
  • Salt & pepper
  • Lemon – sliced
The Steps:
  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  • Place tin foil in pan and spray it down. 
  • Fill half pan with asparagus and cover with olive oil 
  • Place fillets on other half of dish and put a small dollop of butter on each. 
  • Sprinkle Pampered Chef or your choice of seasoning over fish. Season asparagus with salt & pepper to taste. 
  • Slice lemon and place on top of each fillet 
  • Cook for 30 mins or until fish is 145 degrees and veggies are tender. Be sure to check so your fish does not overcook :) 
Enjoy and relax...Prep time is 5 minutes top! 

Working Mom and Working Out??

Friday, February 27, 2015

One of the most common questions that I get is "How do you find the time to work out?"

...well, honestly... I don't! There is no such thing as finding the time. It has taken me almost 5 years of being a mother to figure this out but you will never find time. I have to make the time.

I make the time to work out 5-6 days a week to work out and it was not easy in the beginning. I had years of a routine that included NOT working out and getting rid of that system was a struggle. The couch missed my fat ass y'all!

Here are some top tips to get up and make it happen.

1. Figure out WHY you want to work out! This may seem like a waste of time and a silly way to start but it is a crucial step and not one to miss. You need to know your reason for working out or you will just keep quitting. Your "why" is the deep-in-your-gut motivation that will push you to keep going when it hurts and makes you want to be a better person. It is different for us all and no reason is better than the rest. From getting a hot bikini bod for the summer to being able to run around with the kids - all are AWESOME - it just has to be real for you :)

2. Write down your day. Make a calendar and see where it makes sense for YOU to work out. Just because your best friend Cecile works out at 6am does not mean you will be able to work out at 6am. Maybe you are a 9pm kind of gal. You are the only one who can know that though... and you need to write that down. Schedule it like an appointment with the doctor or dentist and check it off when you are done. It is satisfying and every little thing helps!

3. Make it fun. This can mean a slew of things - it is personal for you. What will your reward be? A new workout outfit? Pedicure with your best friend? An hour of sanity by yourself because OMG-someone-take-the-kids!!!?? Whatever will motivate you the most - set that goal and make it a small one. So many times we decide, "I am going to lose 20lbs in one month" and get defeated when 5lbs aren't dropped overnight. Be kind to yourself. Small goals = realistic results and higher chance of continued success! 

Some examples - one week of working out every day with zero cheat meals - pedicure or your husband has to do the laundry the next week :) :) The important part it that it has to excite you. What gets your mojo going? Once you have figured that out, you will be ready to go! Knowing WHY you want to to work out and making it fun really is 90% of the equation... it is amazing how much time you can find in your life to fit something in. I am the true testament of that!

If you think you might be ready to get going but need a little more support, please know you are not alone. I was the exact same way. Shoot me an email at thelockrins@gmail.com and I would love to talk to you about getting started the right way :)

Clean Eating Crock Pot Chili - 21 Day Fix Style

Monday, February 9, 2015

I enter into every workweek like it is a war. Who is going to survive. Me? Or the clock ticking to get to Friday? 

Having an easy meal prepped and ready to go is crucial to survival in this family. A recent favorite is Crock Pot Chili and it easily adapts to fit our new healthy eating style. 

Enjoy the recipe! 

Clean Eating Crock Pot Chili - 21 Day Fix Style

2lbs ground beef
1 onion - chopped 
2 red peppers, chopped
2 cups carrots, chopped 
1.5 cups celery, chopped
15 oz can diced tomatoes 
15 can tomato sauce (get one with no extra junk added!)
1 extra can of water
2 15 oz cans black beans

Seasonings to taste:
salt & pepper
chili powder
basil (I had basil powder on hand and it was *fine* but fresh is better!!)
onion powder

All natural turkey bacon cooked SUPER crispy - (Applegate makes a great gluten free one... although "great & gluten free-turkey bacon never really go hand-in-hand) 
Avocado, pitted and insides all chopped up to top with

How I did it: 
Step 1. Cook the onions and the beef together in a saucepan.

Step 2. Feel slightly annoyed that you have to cook something that is labeled a "crockpot meal" - its okay. I did too, you will get over it after you taste the deliciousness. 

Step 3. Drain ground meat juice. Marvel in your healthy natural for not eating gross oils. You are awesome!

Step 4.Chop the veggies. Allow your toddler to play with second pepper because you do what you have to do to get meals cooked (this is a safe place!). 

Step 5. Throw all that stuff in the crock pot. Mix in the veggies and sauces on top. Stir. Mix. Stir it up again. Relish in the fact you are getting an arm work out right now. Wow, you are killing it on this healthy lifestyle thing! 

Step 6. Set crock pot on low for 7 hours. 

Step 7. Come back. Swirl again - your arm may be tired.

Spoon it all out into individual bowls and top with crumbled bacon/avocado. Gobble up, relish in the fact that even a one year old will eat it and love life!

21 Day Fix Math: 2 Cups Equals
  1. 1 Red = Beef
  2. 1 Green = Sauce, Peppers, and Onion
  3. 1 Yellow = Beans

**adapted from paleonewbie.com & fitsimple.com