Top 5 Meal Prep Tips for Beginners

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Meal Prep Fun

If you owned a time machine and could go and visit Amy of 10 years ago you would balk at the amount of fast food and carbs that I regularly shoved into my mouth. I blame it on the fact that we never went out to eat when I was young and fast food was a novelty. Every chance I got - I ran to McDonalds or Burger King because "ooo, its a treat!!"

Yea... about that. I may have been a little off the mark on that one. Now that I have been introduced "not treating my stomach like a garbage dump" I follow the 80/20 rule for intake.

This means 80% of the time I am eating clean, whole foods, following the 21 Day Fix portion guide. The other 20% of the time I am open to where life may take me. :) Sometimes this means that I stay on the path or it might mean that I indulge with a little ice cream or a plate of nachos as a treat... but I have worked hard to get to that point.

To make sure that I keep my ratios where they need to be I 100% of the time have to meal prep each week. Nowadays food is available everywhere you go and chances are it it just will not meet the nutritional value that you need. Prepping your meals ahead of the time so you are not in a bind and heading to the Golden Arches is the key to any foolproof plan!

Here are my top tips for Meal Prepping Gone Right:

1. Sunday Funday
Always prep on a Sunday. I say this because my workweek is Monday-Friday and this means I have fresh food ready to go. Meal prep should only take you 1.5 - 2 hours, if you plan ahead! Do you grocery shopping the day before or earlier in the week. If you try to do everything in one day you will get burnt out!

2. Be Picky
Choose 2-3 meats that you will eat throughout the week and stick to them. Find recipes that use these meats and do not deviate. The goal is that you can prepare the meat in bulk cut down on your cooking time. Think roasted chicken on Sunday and chicken fajitas on Wednesday. One batch of chicken knocks both of these out!

3. Cut it Out
Dice, dice and dice! Cut allllll your veggies and store them in easy grab and go containers when you get them. You are much more likely to pull pre-cut veggies for a snack than a giant cucumber that you have to clean and chop up when the hanger pains creep up on you.

4. Looks Aren't Everything
Tupperware and containers are prime real estate when you are meal prepping so make sure you have a ton on hand. I recommend getting ones that can easily stack into themselves when not in use so that you free up some cabinet space. I am fan of the Rubbermaid ones that you can find just about everywhere and recently have started using Pyrex as well. Anything works really!

5. Who has Time for This? 
Umm.. You? I sure hope so? Trust me... the first time is going to feel awkward. Your palms will sweat. Things will be weird and messy and you will want it to just be over soon. BUT it gets better! Each week - you will figure out the timing a little more... throwing the chicken in the crockpot as soon as you wake up + hard boiling eggs in the oven while chopping veggies = saving an hour!!

Hope these tips help! I like to keep things pretty basic in "prep land" and then season during meal time when I know what I am in the mood for :)

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