How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs in 3 minutes.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Do you consume eggs all week long?

My family eats almost 5 dozen every week - we are an egg loving bunch!

Scrambled, over medium, hard boiled - you name it, we like it.

Prepping eggs isn't time consuming but it is one more thing to worry about when your mornings are already busy so I take care of this during my Sunday afternoon meal prep!

How to Prep 12 Eggs in 3 Minutes.

1. Pre-heat Oven to 325 Degrees.

2. Put 12 eggs in a cupcake pan.

3. Put pan in oven after it is preheated.

4. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

5. Put eggs in a bowl of ice water for 10 minutes with a sprinkle of salt.

6. Take eggs out and place in a Tupperware container for the week. Be shocked at easy it is to peel them every.single.morning.

No? Okay. Still just me :)

Also - this totally counts as 3 minutes of cooking. If all I have to do is put eggs in a cupcake pan, I am winning at food prep!!

Random Stuff My Husband Does... A Series Worth Scrolling Through...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

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#allmotivatingandstuff #sorryladies #hestaken :) :)