A Tall Girl's Fabletics Review... is my crotch weird?

Sunday, January 3, 2016

So I bit the bullet and I ordered from Fabletics! I have tested my leggings and want to report back to you (as promised!) and give my unbiased opinion.

The Details - Salar & Bach Legging, Size Small, Tall (for reference I typically wear a 4/6 at stores like Gap, Target, Express, etc) and I am 5'11.
I've worn them during a few workouts, here is what I have found:

๐Ÿ”นThey are super warm - much thicker than my Old Navy Capri

๐Ÿ”นThey are long enough - hallelujah!

๐Ÿ”นThe design on the knee (Bach-pictured) was just cool enough to make me feel sassy but not "too much" - I always feel weird running outside in bright neon colors for some reason (I know, I am weird)

๐Ÿ”นThey never fell down and are high rise (right under my belly button) - perfect for a post postpartum "sag"

๐Ÿ”ปThere was a weird long crotch sag? But truthfully, I have that in just about every pair of workout leggings (the waist never sagged) so I think I may just have a weird crotch?

.. and that is about it!

Honestly - I didnt expect to like these pants that much. I am SUPER surprised and excited. I did already skip one month (because I hadnt gotten my first shipment yet & I wanted to check fit and quality) but I know I will get another order at some point.

Final Verdict:: 2 thumbs up, especially for a tall girl needing long pants! ๐Ÿ‘

Who Makes a Good Beachbody Coach?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

I can still remember the feeling I had when I pushed the "submit" button to sign up as a coach. 

I was scared. I felt nauseous. I had never done anything like this before in my life. 

I am a working professional. I have two kids. My husband describes HIMSELF as high maintenance and time - HA! - it just isn't there... but I had spent hours reading about coaching, watching YouTube videos, trolling instagram accounts (sound like you?) and something just.kept.pulling me back.

I don't know why - but it felt right. 

That was about a year ago. I still don't know why I said yes. I am just so glad I did. My life is so much FULLER now. It is hard working, mothering, "wife-ing" - we need to take time for ourselves. We have to find a passion - a direction... SOMETHING to call your own. 

Here is what I know. I know what makes a good Beachbody Coach. It isn't your typical answer. It isn't scripted out. It isn't some standard - anyone and everyone... but it is me - telling you if I think you would be right. Not everyone is. That is a fact. 

I love this company. I love what it has done for my family - financially, mentally and physically. A car paid off. Vacations taken. Gifts bought. A kitchen remodel in the works. Down from a size 14 to a 4/6. 

I am SO proud of the team of woman who have chosen to join me as coaches, who have decided that they ready to reach for a life by design. Everyone becomes a coach for different reasons... I think that is what I love best! What motivates me is different than what motivates you. How incredible is that? I have seen mothers come home from their jobs and fire their bosses. I have seen women pay off student loan debt and splurge on outrageously beautiful purses. Anything is a possibility :) 

Have questions? Message me - I am an open book and love to chat! 

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21 Day Fix + Body Beast Combo Workout:: Fixin' the Beast

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I get a lot of questions asking if I am still doing 21 Day Fix workouts - months later...

The short answer? YES!

I do believe people find a "soul workout" and for me - that is the Fix, preferably the Extreme!

I love the duration, the way Autumn explains moves, and the quick results I get when I dial 100% into each move.

Lately I have decided that I want to bump up my toning and see where I can push my body. Trust me, it isn't like I have reached a physical peak at all. I have found over the past year that my body responds to weights, weights and more weights. Tap in a little cardio + a solid plan in the kitchen and I know that I will hit goals MUCH faster than the years I spent on the elliptical or running.

Body Beast is the "weight training" program from Beachbody that I have tried out in the past few weeks. I wanted to see if Body Beast would keep my interest (a tough one to do) and get results.

I like Beast a lot - I really do love weight training but after a couple weeks I realized that I do need some piece of cardio in there for my body to respond. It is all about balance, right? Plus, a few of his are WAYY long for me - almost an hour. I have a hard time keeping attention for that long & finding the time in my day for it.

I created this combo-workout that I will be starting on Monday. I wanted to share it with you all if anyone is looking to do the same - it brings in needed cardio components from 21 Day Fix + the most targets workouts in Body Beast.

It will be super easy to use and toggle back from the workouts because I stream everything from Beachbody on Demand - best investment ever! I travel for work, I move my workouts around depending on what the kids are doing... pretty much my fitness moves wherever I need it to!

Let me know what questions you have - happy to answer!

How to Make Hard Boiled Eggs in 3 minutes.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Do you consume eggs all week long?

My family eats almost 5 dozen every week - we are an egg loving bunch!

Scrambled, over medium, hard boiled - you name it, we like it.

Prepping eggs isn't time consuming but it is one more thing to worry about when your mornings are already busy so I take care of this during my Sunday afternoon meal prep!

How to Prep 12 Eggs in 3 Minutes.

1. Pre-heat Oven to 325 Degrees.

2. Put 12 eggs in a cupcake pan.

3. Put pan in oven after it is preheated.

4. Bake for 30-35 minutes.

5. Put eggs in a bowl of ice water for 10 minutes with a sprinkle of salt.

6. Take eggs out and place in a Tupperware container for the week. Be shocked at easy it is to peel them every.single.morning.

No? Okay. Still just me :)

Also - this totally counts as 3 minutes of cooking. If all I have to do is put eggs in a cupcake pan, I am winning at food prep!!

Random Stuff My Husband Does... A Series Worth Scrolling Through...

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

This week in... "Random Stuff My Husband Does" I give you: What to do with your leftover peppers from dinner...

#allmotivatingandstuff #sorryladies #hestaken :) :)

3 Day Refresh Results

Sunday, June 28, 2015

With my current job I have had been traveling a lot. Each trip consists of about 2 weeks away from home and with zero access to make my own food. I focus a lot on making the right choices when I eat out but eating out 14 days straight puts a strain on your body, regardless of what you pick. Plus, if it is the ONLY time I will ever be in a location - you can bet I am going to try the local cuisine! I do love food :) 

After getting home from my last trip I knew I needed to do something to reset myself. If nothing else, it was for the mentality I had towards nutrition at this point. Usually I could jump right back into prepped, nutritious meals but I still was struggling 3 days later. Enter the 3 Day Refresh. 

This program is meant to healthfully reset your body and rid the toxins that we all build up from eating process foods and an uneven diet. I LOVE food but figured that anyone can do something for 3 days, right? And if nothing else, it will stop my cravings for pizza every night?!? :) 

With the Refresh You Get:

  • Shakeology
  • a fiber drink
  • a protein packed vanilla refresh

I have looked at cleanses before (back when I wanted ANY type of fix that I considered to be fast and easy!) This is one of the only ones that I have seen that makes sense- you get to eat on it and honestly, you won't spend the entire time in the bathroom! #keepinitreal

Each Day You Eat:

  • Wide array of fresh fruits
  • Vegetables 
  • Healthy fats
  • and drink a ton of water!

My Grocery Trip! This also is part of my meal prep for the rest of the week :)
As a creature of habit, I kept it pretty simple throughout my days. I stuck to the same meals so that prep time was minimal and packing up my food for work took little to no effort. However, if you are person that needs variety when eating - there are tons of different options to keep your palate interesting!
Day 1 Lunch: Veggie, Healthy Fat, Fruit + Vanilla Refresh Shake! 

My Results:

Lost: 3.5 pounds of unwanted travel weight :) 
Gained: The reminder that balanced nutrition increases my alertness, helps me sleep deeper, puts me in a better mood, and so much more. I can tell my face thinned out and food belly bloat really dropped down. Overall - I call it a success!

Before                             After

Before                             After

Tips to Get Started:

Build your grocery list and write out your meals before you go to the store. Having that all written will make it much easier when you are prepping everything. Use the book that comes with your kit - it is a lifesaver!

Have water ready to go! If nothing else, I probably did not drink enough water during my 3 days. You should be drinking it consistently and there were times that I got caught up in work or the kids and realized an hour or so had gone by with zero hydration - #hydrationfail

Schedule your meal times. You are going to be eating specific foods at targeted times. If you have a busy life (work with meetings, minimal breaks, kids schedule to work around) this can get tough. I recommend putting a timer on your phone to remind you when to eat. Don't rely on your hunger for this one. Day 1 - I was running around with the family and completely missed a snack. I paid for this with a headache that night. There is an abundance of food. I never felt hungry when I followed the plan right. 

If you drink coffee - taper down a day or two before. Realize you will get a headache from that and be prepared. Hot tea is your BEST friend during this. I did drink a lot of this during my "tea breaks" because I love the act of holding and sipping something warm #yupisaidit

Celebrate yourself! This may sound silly, but if you are like me (and love food!) on your meal plan/calendar - mark off every meal that you successfully eat. That check list is something that you are accomplishing. Be proud of yourself! As you see the check marks increase it makes it easier to get through!

Interested in trying the refresh yourself? You can get it by clicking the below link or sending me a personal message at thelockrins at gmail dot com. I would recommend this program for anyone who wants to jumpstart their nutrition, who is looking to go "all in" on their health and fitness and needs a boost to get going, or someone who knows that bloat is building up and wants a healthy way to get rid of all those toxins.  I am happy to answer any questions you may have! 

Yes! I want to REFRESH myself!

Wondering if a program is right for you and not sure? Fill out the form below and I will get back to you shortly! 

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Top 5 Mistakes When Starting a Diet... And How to Avoid Them!!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

5 Common Mistakes People Make When Starting a Diet

1.  Calling it a Diet!!  This is it setting yourself up for failure! A diet is something that we do short term and is based on quick and fast results. While that is GREAT in the moment it is fleeting and puts you right back where you starting, if not worse. When you are ready to make a change in your life health - it should be able your lifestyle.

2.  Jumping in headfirst, without making a plan. I LOVE when I meet someone who wants to take charge in their life and is ready to start immediately. However, one of the best things that you can do with that passion and drive is to funnel it towards your plan. Here are 3 simple questions you can ask yourself to set up for the most success as you being your fitness journey.
  1. Why do I want to make a change?
  2. What am I going to do differently (today, next week, this month) than I have been doing?
  3. What do I need to be successful?
If you can answer those three things easily - you are on the right track!

3. Me? Starting something new? I have no idea what you are talking about! Is that you? Do you keep it a secret when you start a new plan? This was me all day long - it wasn't until I opened up and started sharing with people my journey, even if it is a simple “Hey, guess what? I tried a new salad today and it was pretty good! I thought you might like it!” Those moments bring other people into your story and that creates accountability. Share with others so that they can celebrate with you! 

4. Not Cutting Yourself ANY Slack: Its week 3 and you have been 100% on point with your plan. You are rocking it out like crazy and feeling fabulous because of it. Over the weekend you are celebrating your best friends birthday party and without thinking (because you are having SO much fun!!) you eat a piece of cake..

womp. womp.

A failure? NO! We need to go easier on ourselves. Celebrations will happen and these moments are meant to be lived. It goes back to the term “diet” - life isn’t black and white - let’s cut ourselves some slack and brush it off! 

5. Setting a Goal! This one is SO important! A lot of times we think of just the big picture: “I want to lose 15 pounds” but there is so much more. When do you want to lost the weight by? What will you do when you do lose the weight (because you will this time!). You can have more than one: breaking them down to steps so that you reward yourself throughout is a great motivation tool! Once you have them clearly defined, put them up somewhere you can see them: the fridge, bathroom mirror, your closet door. Remind yourself where you want to be every single day and you are starting yourself off right!

These five “common mistakes” happen a lot but with a little planning and focus you can switch from a diet mentality to a healthy lifestyle change that will grow with you.

Want more help on how to get where you want to be? Fill out the form below and I will contact you within 48 hours to put together a personalized plan for your journey! 

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