Monday Musings

Monday, June 1, 2015

This past week has been jam packed (just the way I like it)! Sometimes I wish I could be the type of person who can just sit and relax but as time goes on I realize that after a short regroup - quiet time will only give me anxiety! 

See that girl right there? She is 19 months old... going on 21. Baby swing? No thank you - she will DO IT HERSELF. Climb a mountain, up the stairs, pick up every piece of food with her OWN fork: you name, she rules it all. Kelly Clarkson had nothing on this Miss Independent. She terrifies me as a mother but I get so excited think about her growing up and what she will accomplish. 

I hit a rough patch in adolescence and early adulthood for self esteem. My dream is to create a life that shows McKinley how beautiful STRONG is so that she does not experience the same. 

19 Months 

We took the kids to a local amusement park and it.was.EPIC. I have not been there in over 15 years and was pleasantly surprised. Jim is a total roller coaster junkie but after Wyatt's pregnancy any type of ride immediately makes me queasy. Luckily he has found a new buddy because Wyatt wants to ride everything - plus since he is an extremely tall 4 year old, they let him on all of them. Added bonus: everyone in line freaks out when we tell them he is only 4 years old going on the rides. #parentsoftheyear

About to get on a ride

Did someone say date night? What? Those still happen? Thankfully, we live close to family and our kids went to stay with grandparents for a night this weekend. I even pulled out the ole' curling wand (only 2 burns this time!!) and we hit the town! By that I mean: went to dinner, caught a movie, took a walk, and ended up at Barnes and Noble before walking home. Wild ones, right?

It felt so great to spend some alone time with this man I am lucky enough to call my husband. I leave for another work trip this week so this time was even more special. There are times that he may infuriate me (he is the most stubborn & logical person alive) but no one can make me laugh like he does. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day mess of the kids, house, and everything that NEEDS to be done: a couple hours of just being Jimmy and Amy is exactly what I needed. 

Date Night
Hope you had a great week too - anything fun happen in your neck of the woods??

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