21 Day Fix + Body Beast Combo Workout:: Fixin' the Beast

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I get a lot of questions asking if I am still doing 21 Day Fix workouts - months later...

The short answer? YES!

I do believe people find a "soul workout" and for me - that is the Fix, preferably the Extreme!

I love the duration, the way Autumn explains moves, and the quick results I get when I dial 100% into each move.

Lately I have decided that I want to bump up my toning and see where I can push my body. Trust me, it isn't like I have reached a physical peak at all. I have found over the past year that my body responds to weights, weights and more weights. Tap in a little cardio + a solid plan in the kitchen and I know that I will hit goals MUCH faster than the years I spent on the elliptical or running.

Body Beast is the "weight training" program from Beachbody that I have tried out in the past few weeks. I wanted to see if Body Beast would keep my interest (a tough one to do) and get results.

I like Beast a lot - I really do love weight training but after a couple weeks I realized that I do need some piece of cardio in there for my body to respond. It is all about balance, right? Plus, a few of his are WAYY long for me - almost an hour. I have a hard time keeping attention for that long & finding the time in my day for it.

I created this combo-workout that I will be starting on Monday. I wanted to share it with you all if anyone is looking to do the same - it brings in needed cardio components from 21 Day Fix + the most targets workouts in Body Beast.

It will be super easy to use and toggle back from the workouts because I stream everything from Beachbody on Demand - best investment ever! I travel for work, I move my workouts around depending on what the kids are doing... pretty much my fitness moves wherever I need it to!

Let me know what questions you have - happy to answer!

1 comment:

  1. Wooooow!
    Great post!
    Love your blog so much!
    I also! love the duration!!!!!!
    We are now through Block 1. So happy to be finished with one portion of this. We are really having to work around other plans and

    trips to get our workouts in but if there is a will, there is a way. For more information click here. Thanks!
