Who Makes a Good Beachbody Coach?

Sunday, October 18, 2015

I can still remember the feeling I had when I pushed the "submit" button to sign up as a coach. 

I was scared. I felt nauseous. I had never done anything like this before in my life. 

I am a working professional. I have two kids. My husband describes HIMSELF as high maintenance and time - HA! - it just isn't there... but I had spent hours reading about coaching, watching YouTube videos, trolling instagram accounts (sound like you?) and something just.kept.pulling me back.

I don't know why - but it felt right. 

That was about a year ago. I still don't know why I said yes. I am just so glad I did. My life is so much FULLER now. It is hard working, mothering, "wife-ing" - we need to take time for ourselves. We have to find a passion - a direction... SOMETHING to call your own. 

Here is what I know. I know what makes a good Beachbody Coach. It isn't your typical answer. It isn't scripted out. It isn't some standard - anyone and everyone... but it is me - telling you if I think you would be right. Not everyone is. That is a fact. 

I love this company. I love what it has done for my family - financially, mentally and physically. A car paid off. Vacations taken. Gifts bought. A kitchen remodel in the works. Down from a size 14 to a 4/6. 

I am SO proud of the team of woman who have chosen to join me as coaches, who have decided that they ready to reach for a life by design. Everyone becomes a coach for different reasons... I think that is what I love best! What motivates me is different than what motivates you. How incredible is that? I have seen mothers come home from their jobs and fire their bosses. I have seen women pay off student loan debt and splurge on outrageously beautiful purses. Anything is a possibility :) 

Have questions? Message me - I am an open book and love to chat! 

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21 Day Fix + Body Beast Combo Workout:: Fixin' the Beast

Sunday, October 4, 2015

I get a lot of questions asking if I am still doing 21 Day Fix workouts - months later...

The short answer? YES!

I do believe people find a "soul workout" and for me - that is the Fix, preferably the Extreme!

I love the duration, the way Autumn explains moves, and the quick results I get when I dial 100% into each move.

Lately I have decided that I want to bump up my toning and see where I can push my body. Trust me, it isn't like I have reached a physical peak at all. I have found over the past year that my body responds to weights, weights and more weights. Tap in a little cardio + a solid plan in the kitchen and I know that I will hit goals MUCH faster than the years I spent on the elliptical or running.

Body Beast is the "weight training" program from Beachbody that I have tried out in the past few weeks. I wanted to see if Body Beast would keep my interest (a tough one to do) and get results.

I like Beast a lot - I really do love weight training but after a couple weeks I realized that I do need some piece of cardio in there for my body to respond. It is all about balance, right? Plus, a few of his are WAYY long for me - almost an hour. I have a hard time keeping attention for that long & finding the time in my day for it.

I created this combo-workout that I will be starting on Monday. I wanted to share it with you all if anyone is looking to do the same - it brings in needed cardio components from 21 Day Fix + the most targets workouts in Body Beast.

It will be super easy to use and toggle back from the workouts because I stream everything from Beachbody on Demand - best investment ever! I travel for work, I move my workouts around depending on what the kids are doing... pretty much my fitness moves wherever I need it to!

Let me know what questions you have - happy to answer!