Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday Musings: 

This past week has been insane. I had a packed week at work (conference style!) and Jim brewed every single day. Basically - each day was a 12-14 hour work day for these kids but we still managed to find some fun in the mix :) 

I am starting to see McKinley's personality come through a little more and y'all - she is a force to be reckoned with! I know everyone says that each child will be different and that could not be more true for our two. McKinley's stubborn streak baffles Jim and I daily - although I have to respect the girl's eating style: Back off biotch, if you want to keep your handz... 

Anyone else getting that message? Just me? Oh, okay... just checking.

Before the week started I got to head out for a little "Amy-time" and get some new black pants. I know, nothing exciting right? Normally I would be annoyed to have to shop for clothes instead of something fun but this time it is because all my pants are just too big. 

That's right - even my pre-pregnancy pants have gotten too big at this point! I am still in shock really but it feels so good to see the results from hard work and consistency. Don't get me wrong.. I take days off and have my cheat meals but I chose real foods and to dedicate 30 minutes a day to working out and it is paying off. (insert self high five!)

Finally - on Saturday we had a pretty packed family day. Jimmy was adamant about us getting out of the house early and enjoying the beautiful weather so we packed up and headed to the local farmers market at the beach. 

Then this happened y'all. I am not going to lie - it was hilarious and I am so glad we did it. Wyatt LOVED it (he is named after Wyatt Earp after all!) and I burst out laughing every time I look at it. 

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